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"It's a secret to everybody!"

Hey! How exactly did you get here? Oh well, that's not what's important. Unfortunately for you, you have stumbled upon my lore dump archive, mwhahaha! Good luck reading through all of my ramblings >:D

Who are the gods? Who and what are "drudes"?

  • This fictional world has three main deities. The Mother Goddess, the Moon Goddess, and the Sun God. Basically there was a power struggle with immortal beings for the power of creation, and the mother goddess wins because she's like good and the other deities big evil. She creates the sun and moon to be her servants and then creates the world. When the mother godess created Earth, she basically rounded up all the evil beings that went against her and trapped them into the center of Earth so their energy could help give energy to life on Earth.
  • When the mother goddess created humans, she had the sun and moon basically be in charge of guiding humanity. The Sun God, Sol, brings in good harvests and happiness. The Moon Goddess, Mond, brings in good hunting seasons and peace. Once the mother goddess became satisifed with her creation, she fell into a deep slumber and entrusts the fate of the world to the moon and sun. Coincidentally, the evil spirits trapped underneath the Earth's crust basically decided to use this as an opportunity to escape. The world is now in chaos as evil monsters are suddenly appearing and are um doing evil monster things like killing people lol
  • The sun and moon are like "oh crap, what do we do?? We can kill them, but we're outnumbered". So while earth is getting terrorized by monsters, Mond decides to do something she wasn't supposed to do. She decides to teach humans magic. In order for a human to retain magic, they have to consume mana. The only way a human could consume mana is by taking it directly from the Earth, which would also be from the evil spirits. The evil spirits energy is being used to sustain life on Earth, so too much magic consumption could cause the world to rot. Basically, in short, humans aren't really meant to consume magic as it would be stealing from the Earth. Mond mainly did this as a last resort and because she felt bad about how the humans were suffering so much.
  • Introducing magic to humans brought both good and bad things. Humans were now able to deend themselves from the evil forces, but the word was slowly rotting due to the sudden influx of people become magic users.
  • The mother goddess eventually wakes up as she senses something wrong with the world. She becomes furious whenever she realizes that humans learned magic and are leaving the world to rot. She then casts a curse onto all magic bearing humans to become insane. This divine curse of insanity basically reduced magic bearers to feral creatures that turned on not only humans but each other. They started attacking humans and even developed cannibalistic tendencies. The side effect of this curse also caused these insane magic bearers to gain twisted apperances. This curse has scared humans from magic, but the allure of power was still there for some.
  • These magic bearers basically get nicknamed "drudes". Drudes in this fictional world are basically people that bear magic. While being a drude may seem appealing, the mana basically corrupts drudes to become feral. Cannibalism in the drude world became taboo, but the consumption of another drude's blood will cause a drude to become more powerful. This is because a drude's blood has mana in it, which would make a drude stronger. The more mana a drude has, the more prone they are to insanity. Most cases of insanity in the drude world lead to self destruction as their minds can't handle the dark allure of magic at that point. Most modern day drudes are recongized by their horns, black eyes, and sometimes by their purple veins (which is from the magic in their blood). There are some drudes that are known as sirens that don't have horns but instead have gills. Most sirens are regarded as weak as they barely have any mana in their blood.

The Seven Deadly Sins and Heavenly Virtues

  • During humanity's magic golden age, Mond basically gathers 7 powerful, vitrous mages and gifted them 7 talisman. The 7 talisman were basically gems that were imbedded into some kind of accessory. The talisman emplified the mages magical abilities and made them stronger. This is because the gems in the talisman were blessed by the moon goddess herself. She called these 7 sages the heavenly virtues. Their job was to protect humans and guide them in matters the twin gods couldn't meddle in.
  • Whenever the mother goddess casted the curse upon magic bearers, the virtues were effected the most. It's because the virtues were the most powerful mages. The mother goddess saw the virtues as disrespectful due to how their "guidance" has caused the Earth to rot. The corruption of the virtues basically turned them into something new. It turned them into the Seven Deadly Sins
  • The talisman also became corrupted. They now didn't only exemplify power, they now exemplified insanity. Drudes that held a talisman would became insane a lot more quickly. The talisman would also "call" to people. It would have people go into a trance where they would basically hear whispers, telling them to get the talisman. This would cause a competition to become a sin as not only did the natural allure of power attract people, but the talisman themselves were also literally attracting people.
  • In the drude world, the seven sins are basically expected to command and protect drudes from the humans. Their influence is usually expanded by opening up businesses or providing some kind of service. The table below will explain each current sin and their "occupation".
  • Name Sin Status Mini Bio
    Winslow Pride Alive Owner of a casino. A siren that has lived for many, many years but is still able to retain a youthful appearance. Most knowledgable sin.
    Eisheth Previous Lust Dead A controversial figure as she was weak and relied on backer/lover. Mainly used her title for personal pleasure and didn't do anything. Eventually got killed by her backer.
    Ambrose Lust Alive Became lust after killing Eisheth for her infidelity. Well known for his fighitng ring and shapeshifting abilities (do not look at his true form, you will go insane).
    Solomon Wrath Alive? Served as the executioner for the sins. Killed and hunted down anyone that threatened the sins and the underground drude world. Behavior became strange ever since he disappeared and came back.
    Valeria Gluttony Alive Co-owns a nightclub with Roxie. Very close friends with Roxie and is well known for her sadomasochist nature and love for the occult.
    Roxie Envy Alive Co-owns a nightclub with Valeria. Appears to be very mean, but in reality isn't THAT rude. Struggles with DID and doesn't know she even has it.
    Andreas Greed Alive Rumored to have come from a fallen, wealthy family. Now manages a loan shark company. Very snarky and believes he's above everyone.
    Blair Sloth Dead A young girl that accidentally got the role of a sin. She created a safe haven for weak drudes as she sympathsized with those that couldn't defend themselves. Ended up getting killed by humans.

The Crow's Nest (This is a long one because it's a rough telling of a whole entire story)

  • This story basically starts with Abby. She was a human woman that was very selfish. Abby wanted to live a stress free life, so she basically depended on sugar daddies for her income. One day, she accidentally messed with the wrong man. She dated a man named "Thomas", and he appeared as creepy but Abby was used to this kind of thing. Thomas found out Abby was cheating on him, and he became enraged. He broke up with her and basically developed a plan to get his revenge on Abby.
  • One day, Abby gets a message from Thomas that was basically asking to take her to dinner. Abby shrugs it off and says that she needed the money, so she goes with it. Although, she was still suspicious of Thomas and basically brought pepper spray with her just in case. Thomas takes her to dinner, and everything seems fine at first until he started saying some weird stuff like how he trusted and loved Abby. At this point she's a bit alarmed but is like "eh he's a weirdo thought". Then Thomas basically drugs Abby's drink and has her pass out. He kidnaps Abby and takes her somewhere. He was able to avoid suspicion by claiming he was taking his drunk girlfriend home.
  • Turns out Thomas was in a human trafficking ring that sold organs. Abby wakes up on an operating table and is like "what the fuck?!". Thomas comes in and is like "oh hey you're awake! By the way, I injected some mana into you because drude organs are a lot more valuable than human organs.". Abby manages to break free and peppersprays Thomas like the little bitch he is. Abby doesn't really notice the effects of the mana for right now because she' full on high on adrenaline.
  • When Thomas is finally down (he's not dead, but he passed out), Abby notices that her veins are purple and her skin is turning a different color. Abby panics and runs off into the woods. While she's wandering, she basically goes through the stages of turning into a drude. Horns sprouted from her head and her eyes darkened. It was painful. She stumbles upon an old town with a boarding school. The school had a couple of dormitory buildings, but they were all in inhabitable condition except for one. One dormitory building was actually in odd, pristine condition for an abandoned building. She tries to enter the dorm, but it was locked. She panics because this is the only place she can depend on, but she calms herself down and searches the school building for anything useful. In the building, she was able to find the headmaster's office. In the office, there was a couple of keys. She tried looking for the key that belonged to the dorm, but none seemed to work until she forces open a locked drawer. There, she found the master key and uses it to unlock the dormitory.
  • When Abby entered the dorm, she was expecting it to be full of mold or something. Instead, the inside was oddly fine. Abby is in relief to find out that her effort in trying to unlock this place wasn't in vain. She basically rests for the night and everything is fine until the morning. In the morning, Abby panics because she wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed tea in front of her. She looks around for any other living beings, but is greeted with dead silence. She tries to relax until the temperature in the room begins to drop.
  • A ghost forms right in front of Abby. The ghost's name was Bethany, and she was from the 1930s. Bethany originally worked as a house mother whenever the school was still open, but her death caused the school to close this dormitory as kids started reporting strange hauntings in the dorm. Ever since then, Bethany basically kept the place pristine as her ghost cleaned the place. Bethany is overjoyed to see a guest in the dorm, but then she sees the master key and is like "omg are you the new headmaster?". Abby is like "um..no??" and Bethany insists that Abby must be the new headmaster becuase no one else would have the master key. Abby then realizes that this ghost seems to not know that she's dead for whatever reason.
  • Time goes by and the two become friends. Bethany appreciates the new company and Abby is glad that Bethany doesn't want to kill her or something. One day, Bethany hears something. Abby freaks out because if Bethany hears something out of place, then that has to mean something bad is happening, right? Bethany is like in a trance and Abby is like "hey Bethany you're starting to freak me out". She then tells Abby that she hears singing. It's beautiful, but it sounds sorrowful. Bethany encourages Abby to go check it out, but Abby is like "oh hell no". With some persistance, Bethany manages to convince Abby that it's nothing dangerous. Abby then goes out and discovers a dying siren girl. She stops singing and just looks at Abby with wide eyes. Abby quickly rushes to help her, but she's lowkey useless so she instead drags the girl back to the dormitory. Bethany patches the girl up and Abby asks her for her name and what happened. The girl just shrugs and says she doesn't know. Abby realizes that this girl must've lost her memory, so she's like "that's fine, if you don't remember your name then you could always give yourself a new one". The girl thinks and she says April. That's her new name. April thanks Abby and Bethany for saving her, and Bethany insists that April stays as she's clearly not fit to go out again. April now joins the party!
  • To be continued because I feel like rambling about something else rn

Ambrose's backstory (it's very long and detailed because he's literally my favorite son)

  • Ambrose was basically born without a face. Instead, he had a void in place. Staring into this void would cause you to go insane and gouge your eyes out. Because he has no real face, he has the ability to steal faces from people. Whenever he steals a face, it basically automatically kills the person. Whenever he was younger, he could only change his face. Later on, as he grew, the void "consumed" Ambrose's real body and basically made him look like a mandela catalogue monster where it's just a silhouette with eyes lol. He also has these like tendril things coming out of his spine that have hands at the ends, so like bro ripped off slenderman LMAO. Anywho, these tendrils basically come out whenever Ambrose feels like they should be out or whenever he's feeling literally any kind of extreme emotion. They somewhat act as if they have a mind of their own, as if they're carrying out Ambrose's subconscious will. While he is able to control them, they do sometimes get out of control whenever he's feeling intense emotions.
  • Ambrose's parents were a loving couple that were a bit influential in the underground drude world due to his father's connections in the fighting rings. Due to this influence, his parents were able to live a wealthy life style. His mother, Isolde, was your typical woman of the house. She managed the household staff and aranged social events. His father, Lucian, was a popular figure in the fighting ring scene. He was originally a fighter in the rings but now became a well known sponser and gambler. Before becoming Lucian's husband, Isolde