"I coveted that wind, I suppose."
Carson was originally a human that lived on a farm. His family heavily depended on him to do hard labor, so he was very reliable. One day, Carson became extremely sick. Nobody knew what this sickness was or if he could even be cured. Carson's parents, who weren't the richest, became desperate to find a cure for their beloved son. They tried everything they could with their limited budget, but it was to no avail. Then, they stumble upon an alternative healer. At this point, they were willing to try anything to get their son back to good health, so they agreed to hire this healer. Little did his parents know, was that this healer had ulterior motives. The healer wanted to inject a little bit of mana into Carson, not enough to turn him into a drude but enough that it'll make his blood valuable. Unfortunately, the healer made a mistake and accidentally injected too much mana. While this did heal Carson's sickness, he also went crazy. He turned..feral. He kills and eats the healer because of this insanity. His parents find out and they freak out, but they don't have the courage to kill their own son. Instead, they release him off into the woods and hope for the best. Carson basically spends a couple of years living in the woods. Due to amount of mana in his blood, his sanity isn't really completely there. He eventually hears..singing. The singing was so beautiful, so calming. He follows the sound and this leads him to the Crow's Nest. For the first time, Carson felt like he actually had control of his mind. Turns out he overheard one of April's concerts, and her voice drained some of Carson's mana due to how she's a siren. When he stumbles into the inn, he's greeted by a nice, warm enviornment. Abby sees him, and before she asks him if he would like to book a room, she instantly freaks out because first of all, Carson is stinky. Second of all, he's very tall and intimidating. Abby quickly gets April for emotional support, and Carson quickly recongizes her as the voice he heard. He then says that he'd like to work at the inn because it would give him something to live for again. Abby originally wanted to refuse, but then she realizes that Carson would be a valuable asset to the inn due to how strong he is. Once Carson starts working at the inn, he proves himself to be very reliable. While he's too awkward to work with guests, he's very useful for gathering supplies (it's because he's the only one brave enough to go outside). He basically becomes the provider for the inn. He also does help bring in a lot of guests due to his attractive apperance, but April and Abby usually have to help him get out of uncomfortable situations. He really doesn't like socializing a lot due to how awkward he is, and he usually speaks very few words at a time. Carson also helps April's performances by playing guitar, but they also occasionally perform together in private to play songs that wouldn't be popular with everyday people. As mentioned before, he's not the best at socializing. He doesn't pick up certain things like flirting that well, so usually he'll just kind of stare at you in confusion. All in all, Carson looks very intimadting but in reality he's just a dumb, dorky guy.
☾Carson Nassar☽
⸸ He/Him
⸸ Heterosexual
⸸ Socially awkward metalhead
⸸ Can play guitar and sing
⸸ Will freeze up if you try to talk to him